Every credit card transaction that is processed at the will be 100% safe. All data that is transmitted over the internet during the payment process is encrypted and we do not store any credit card information on our servers. Read more about our security policies below.
Secure Socket Layers
Our Store uses SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) technology which is the industry standard and among the best software available today for secure commerce transactions. It encrypts all of your personal information including credit card number, name, and address, to prevent it from being read as it travels over the Internet. When you place orders or access account information, we automatically send you to our secure servers, providing your browser accepts SSL encryption. The most commonly used browsers developed by Microsoft, Mozilla, Opera, Google and Apple are able to process SSL encryption.
Information Collection
The only time a shopper is obligated to sign in is when making a purchase. We do store all information collected from your visits, including Personally Identifiable Information, but all in a secure environment using industry standard encryption and providing physical security for our data servers. Read more about how we protect your privacy.
Credit Card Information
We never store your credit card information on any of our servers or in any of our databases. During your order process, your credit card information is sent in real time to our PCI compliant payment processor. At no time do we have access to, or visibilty of your credit card information.
Unsupported Browser
To ensure your security and privacy, The Ellen Shop requires that you use a web browser that supports at least 128-bit encryption when accessing our shopping cart. Most browsers are able to communicate with 128-bit encryption, which offers the highest level of encryption generally available today. Encryption provides the best protection when transmitting confidential data over the Internet.
Encryption is the process of converting information into a more secure format for transmission. The plain text is converted to scrambled code while being transmitted, and then decrypted back to plain text at the receiving end of the transmission.
You should update your browser and operating system with the latest security updates to help reduce your browser's vulnerability to online security threats. To update your browser, please download and install the latest version of either Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera or Safari.